周信堂 Syuusindou
An International Antique Business base in Tokyo, Japan. Focus on Chinese & Japanese Antiques.
螺鈿 Black Lacquer Mother-of-Pearl Inlay
茶道具 Tea-Ceremony Utensils
佛教 Buddhist Art
古裂 Kogire
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* 年代斷定會因個人見解而有所落差。
* Items listed on this site are also exhibited in Syuusindou's store, antique shows or other online platforms. It is possible for items to be sold or having some condition changes due to attending shows or fairs. Therefor, orders might been canceled in such cases.
* All items is sold as/is withthe pictures provided, however, items might have conditions, small dints and scratches or color differences that can not be captured on cameras. Please check carefully before you make a purchase.
*All region or time period suggestion is based on Syuusindou's experiences.
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